Immigrant & Refugee Services Association PEI (IRSA) - Client Registration

Please fill out and submit this registration form if you are a newcomer to Canada settling in the province of Prince Edward Island and are not yet registered with IRSA.

The form must be filled out and submitted for each family member individually. If registering a family, begin with the Principal Applicant. Principal Applicant is the family member who is considered the main applicant in a family's immigration process. If you immigrated alone, you are considered the principal applicant.

The information you enter must match the information in the registrant's immigration documents.

Fields marked with * are mandatory to submit the form.

Relationship to the Principal Applicant
Basic Personal Information

The information you enter must match the information in the immigration documents for this registrant.

If the registrant uses a name or names different from those in their immigration documents, they can be provided to a settlement worker after the registration is completed.

Language Information

Contact Information

Please enter the address of your temporary accommodation if you don't have permanent housing yet.

If this registrant is not the Principal Applicant and this person doesn't have their own email address or phone number, please fill out the Principal Applicant's information.

Immigration Information
Employment and Education Information
Additional Information
Are you a real person? (no robots please)
    Please answer the following question:
    What's 2+2?




主申请人 (Principal Applicant) 是指在家庭移民申请过程中被认为是主要申请人的家庭成员。如果您独自一人移民,那您就是主申请人。



该表格目前只提供英文版本。如果您填表需要协助,请 联系我们 ,我们会有人跟您进行联系的。


爱岛移民及难民服务协会 - 爱莎协会
49 Water Street
Charlottetown, PE C1A 1A3

电话: 902-628-6009
传真: 902-894-4928