Tin Tức - Thông Báo - Sự Kiện Đang Diễn Ra
Những Điều Cần Biết
- Scam alert!
- Thg 2 24 2025
- Warning: Scammers posing as IRSA to deceive immigrants
We want to alert all immigrants and individuals seeking to come to Canada about a potentially growing scam. Fraudsters are impersonating IRSA to trick people into sending money. They falsely claim that payment is required to expedite immigration processes. - IRSA Announces New Executive Director
- Thg 2 04 2025
- Dean Constable to join the Association
The Board of Directors of the Immigrant & Refugee Services Association PEI is pleased to announce the appointment of a new Executive Director. President Tina Saksida has announced the hiring of Dean Constable.
- Request for proposals—Property Development
- Thg 2 03 2025
- Submission deadline: 12 February 2025
Immigrant and Refugee Services Association PEI (IRSA) invites proposals for property development of a mixed-use, commercial and multi-residential centre. - Black History Month
- Thg 1 31 2025
- Every February, people across Canada participate in Black History Month events and festivities that honour the legacy of Black people in Canada and their communities.
The theme for this year’s Black History Month is “Black Legacy and Leadership: Celebrating Canadian History and Uplifting Future Generations.”
Những Việc Cần Làm
- Storm Preparedness Workshop
- Monday, February 3rd, 2025
- This 90-minute presentation will look at several aspects of living on PEI and anticipating the various types of weather you may experience here; what the weather is, when it is expected to happen, what the future may look like, and what to consider before, during, and after storms on PEI.
- Resilient Rhythms Dance Workshop for Women
- Sunday, February 9th, 2025
- In collaboration with Reequal Smith, owner of Oshun Dance Studios, IRSA is excited to invite you to the "Resilient Rhythms" Workshop for Women. This 2-hour workshop is focused on building resilience, confidence, and community among women. It’s a space to connect, explore creative expression, and heal through dancing and singing in a supportive environment.
- Internet Safety - Canada School
- Thursday, January 30 - 5:00pm
- Join us for an informative session on online safety for children in today's digital age. The presentation will include common online risks and their impacts, practical tips for children, parental involvement, and support resources.
Tài Liệu Hướng Dẫn Cho Người Mới Nhập Cư đến Đảo Hoàng Tử Edward, Canada
Chào Mừng Bạn Đến Canada và Đảo Hoàng Tử Edward
Những Việc Cần Làm Ngay Khi Bạn Vừa Mới Đến
Những Giấy Tờ Pháp Lý Quan Trọng ở Canada
Hệ Thống Tiền Tệ và Tài Chính
Nhà Ở
Thực phẩm
Mua Sắm
Phương Tiện Di Chuyển
Truyền Thông và Thông Tin Liên Lạc
Sức Khoẻ
Thông TIn Cho Phụ Huynh, Trẻ Em và Các Em Thanh Thiếu Niên
Giáo Dục Dành Cho Người Lớn
Việc Làm
Pháp Luật và An Ninh Trật Tự
Văn Hoá và Đời Sống Xã Hội
Quốc Tịch Canada