Response to the crisis in Ukraine:
Information for Ukrainians
Last updated: 2022-06-08
Immigration pathways
How can I come to Canada as a Ukrainian national?
In support of those affected by the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada created the Canada-Ukraine authorization for emergency travel (CUAET) to help Ukrainians and their family members come to Canada as quickly as possible and to provide them with the ability to work and study while in Canada.
Why does the Government of Canada not consider Ukrainians coming to Canada under recently announced permanent or temporary residence programs refugees?
The European Union has a generous support package for displaced Ukrainians within Europe. Technically speaking Ukrainians have a durable solution closer to their country in place and do not need resettlement.
Financial assistance
Will I get any financial assistance?
Ukrainian families who are in Canada under the Canada-Ukraine authorization for emergency travel (CUAET) can apply for financial assistance. The assistance is a one-time, non-taxable benefit. It's to take care of your basic needs while you get settled in Canada. Families can expect to receive $3,000 for each adult (18 years of age or older) and $1,500 for each child. You can apply online. More information
Is there provincial financial support available?
No. There is no specific provincial financial support available in Prince Edward Island for Ukrainians who arrived under Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel (CUAET). They may, however, be eligible for some PEI provincial social programs, including dental care, prescription drug coverage and child care subsidy. Contact IRSA for more information.
As a Ukrainian newcomer, can I apply for Prince Edward Island Health Card and access the provincial healthcare services?
Yes. Ukrainian newcomers who arrived under Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel (CUAET) with a valid work or study permit issued for more than six months are eligible to apply for a Prince Edward Island Health Card. Minors on a visitor permit can be included on the same application as a parent or legal guardian. Settlement workers at IRSA can assist with applications. The Health Card will be valid for the duration of a temporary immigration permit.
Apply online (click on the blue button at the bottom of the page
How can I get medical help in PEI?
To become a patient of a Family Doctor or Nurse Practitioner for your primary healthcare, you need to register with the PEI Patient Registry Program to get on the waiting list. You can also register for the PEI Virtual Care Program.
Other options for non-emergency medical services:
- You can access TeleHealth services 24 hours a day by calling 811. A registered nurse will assess the situation and provide advice on the next steps.
- Walk-in clinics provide non-urgent general healthcare at locations across the province.
- Pharmacy Plus PEI program allows pharmacists to assess individuals for some common ailments and conditions and prescribe certain medications.
In case of an emergency, call 911 or visit the emergency department of your local hospital.
Are there specific housing supports for Ukrainians?
Yes. Short-term temporary housing is offered to Ukrainian newcomers who arrived under Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel (CUAET) through the IRSA Home Host Program. For more information contact IRSA directly.
General information on housing in PEI
Can I exchange a Ukrainian driver's licence for a Prince Edward Island licence?
Yes. As of 15 August 2022, Ukrainian newcomers who arrived under Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel (CUAET) can exchange a Ukrainian Category B (including BE) passenger vehicle licence for PEI's Class 5 license. They can do so without a written exam or road testing. Commercial class or motorcycle licences are not eligible for exchange.
Applicants must provide a valid driver's licence from Ukraine or another reciprocal country and/or a translated copy in French or English of their driver’s license, as well as two documents that show their current address in Prince Edward Island. All fees removed for Ukrainian passport holders under CUAET.
Please read the PEI Driver's Handbook for PEI driving rules.
Is there public transportation in the province of Prince Edward Island?
T3 Transit is a Canadian public transport company operating buses throughout the capital region of Prince Edward Island.
There are several taxi companies operating on the Island. There are no local ride-sharing operations like Uber in PEI.
Is public education free for Ukrainian children?
Yes. Public education is free in Prince Edward Island for all school-aged children, including Ukrainian children who are in Canada under the Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel (CUAET).
How can I register my kids for school?
IRSA's Youth Settlement Services (YSS) team can assist Ukrainian families with school-aged children with the school registration process. They will help gather the required documents and complete forms. Next, an appointment is scheduled with EAL/FAL Reception Center [EAL = English-as-an-additional-language] to complete the English Language assessment for the child(ren) and finalize registration documentation to be sent to the school. The results of the language assessment determine how much language support a child will need during the school year. The final step for school enrolment is a registration appointment at the school when specific school information is given to the family.
IRSA also offers an information session on the public school system to every newcomer family to communicate all important school-related information. Interpretation services are provided for these sessions as needed.
Do schools have language support for Ukrainian kids?
Yes. All Ukrainian students in the public school system have access to language support.
What are the childcare options in Prince Edward Island?
Families are responsible for finding, obtaining and paying for childcare. Parents are required to register with the PEI Early Learning and Childcare registry to search for licensed childcare centers, register, or place their child on a waiting list.
Families who are here under Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel (CUAET) might be eligible for a provincial childcare subsidy. For more information, contact IRSA directly.
Language training for adults
Where can I get English language classes?
Holland College provides English language classes (Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada - LINC ) for Ukrainian newcomers who arrived under Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel (CUAET). The College offers day (full-time and part-time) and evening (part-time) classes on a year-round basis.
IRSA can assist with assessments for the Canadian Language Benchmark Placement Test needed to attend LINC. There is no fee to take the test for Ukrainian newcomers who are here under Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel (CUAET).
Are there French language assessments available?
Ukrainian newcomers who are here under Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel (CUAET) can register with La Coopérative d'intégration francophone de l'Île-du-Prince-Édouard, the PEI Francophone settlement agency, to undergo a French language assessment.
Government of Canada response
The Government of Canada has announced it will expand settlement support for Ukrainians coming to Canada. Ukrainian nationals can to arrive in Canada via several pathways, including the Canada-Ukraine authorization for emergency travel (CUAET).
Government of Prince Edward Island response
The Government of Prince Edward Island is committed to supporting Ukrainians who may want to relocate here in the coming weeks or months. The provincial government is working with Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) to help the movement of Ukrainians who have to leave their country and who are making their way to Canada, settling here temporarily or permanently.
Immigrant & Refugee Services Association PEI (IRSA)
IRSA PEI is a local settlement agency funded by federal and provincial governments with a mandate to help new immigrants settling in the province of Prince Edward Island. IRSA is currently working with all levels of government to make sure that there are adequate supports in place for Ukrainians who make their way to PEI. IRSA settlement workers can help with obtaining essential documents, finding housing and employment, and school enrollment.
Resources across Canada
Atlantic Canada
Other Canadian provinces
- Information for Ukraine Nationals Coming to Canada - Ontario
- Support for the Ukrainian-Canadian community - Manitoba
- Ukrainian Migration Resources - British Columbia
National resources
Government of Canada
- Canada-Ukraine authorization for emergency travel (CUAET)
- Ukraine immigration measures: Financial assistance
Other resources
First things to do
- register with IRSA
- find a place to live
- apply for a Social Insurance Number (SIN)
- apply for a PEI Health Card
- apply for the Canada Child Tax Benefit (CCTB)
- apply for the GST/HST Credit
- open a bank account
- get your name on the waiting list for a family doctor
- find out about local health clinics and emergency services
- get your language ability tested and find English classes for you and your family
- register your children in school
Essential documents
Settlement workers at IRSA can help you obtain the essential documents you will need immediately upon arrival.
To get employment, you need the Social Insurance Number (SIN).
To access health care services, you need PEI Health Card.
If you are a driver, you will need the PEI driver's licence. If you are not a driver, you can apply for the Voluntary ID.
Looking for housing
Currently, there is a housing shortage in PEI, and it may take sometime to find permanent accommodation. However, many Islanders have offered space in their own homes or properties they own to Ukrainians arriving in PEI at this time. If you cannot find accommodation on your own, IRSA settlement workers will help you connect with housing donors.
Looking for employment
The employment specialists at IRSA can help you find employment. They can help you with putting together your resume, writing cover letters, filling out job applications, and preparation for job interviews.
Need help enrolling children in school
The Youth Settlement Services (YSS) team at IRSA can help you get your children enroll in school. They will work with your family and the school system to determine in which school and grade your child will be placed. If your child is of pre-school age, a settlement worker at IRSA can help you find child care if needed.