Request for proposals—Property Development

Submission deadline: 12 February 2025

Posté le : 03/02/2025 | Mis à jour : 03/02/2025

Immigrant and Refugee Services Association PEI (IRSA) invites proposals for property development of a mixed-use, commercial and multi-residential centre.

IRSA — Request for proposals: Property Development


The Immigrant and Refugee Services Association PEI (IRSA) has been an engine of population growth, retention, and repatriation since its establishment in 1993. IRSA is a leader in newcomer settlement, with facilities in Charlottetown and Summerside.

IRSA is seeking project management services for a mixed-use, multi-residential development with a focus on affordable housing. This proposed hub will be a major multicultural and intergenerational “Net Zero” affordable housing complex and population wellness resource.

The centre will feature:

  • A purpose-built settlement resource centre
  • A 108-unit multicultural and mixed-income commercial and residential complex
  • A business incubator and employment services centre
  • Support services and social enterprises, including a 24-hour childcare facility, interpreter, and health services


With this project, IRSA intends to increase the availability of housing in alignment with the priorities outlined in PEI’s Population Action Plan.

PEI is the fastest-growing province in Canada. The increase in population means increased need for housing, settlement services, and other services. Our focus is on building a healthy community that combines the settlement services our clients require with collaborative training, mentoring, and employment opportunities.

The centre will support community health and well-being, diversity, equity and inclusion activities, and will act as a gateway for residents to access recreational and social activities, from sport and fitness to food preparation and intergenerational knowledge transfer, including language learning.

Outcomes of the centre will include:

  • Enhanced housing options
  • Employment opportunities
  • Education opportunities for adults and children
  • Access to community sector organizations and volunteers
  • Better health through stress reduction and peace of mind
  • Experiential learning and knowledge transfer opportunities
  • Partnerships and learning between newcomers and Indigenous peoples

Scope of Work

This project will involve pre-development and development activities. The successful vendor’s responsibilities will include activities as outlined below.

Pre-Development Stage
SEED Funding Application
  • Identify project
  • Detail initiative objectives and assumptions
  • Consider forms of tenure
  • Describe design/construct process options
  • Identify financing potential streams, verify application
  • Identify building scope and services required
  • Confirm municipal infrastructure
  • Identify facility requirements
  • Identify potential partner and requirements
  • Prepare preliminary SEED application content
  • Confirm client satisfaction of identified objectives
  • Submit SEED application
  • Conduct a Q&A with CMHC
  • Consult with client to obtain decision to continue
Co-investment Application Preparation
  • Pre-design management architectural resources
  • Conduct environmental site assessment
  • Conduct soils testing and recommendations
  • Create development scenarios
  • Obtain capital cost and energy resource management
  • Confirm partner participation
  • Conduct board executive/ committee meetings for feedback
  • Adjust scenarios based on feedback
  • Develop business plan CMHC viability testing
  • Confirm satisfaction of identified objectives
  • Submit the application documents
  • Conduct a Q&A with CMHC
  • Consult with client to obtain decision to continue
Development Stage
Letter of Intent
  • Co-ordinate legal resource(s)
  • Establish partner agreements
  • Obtain BOD authorizations
  • Consult with client to obtain decision to continue
Term Sheet/ Agreements
  • Co-ordinate legal resource
  • Establish partner agreements
  • Establish financial controls
  • Co-ordinate banking arrangements
  • Secure insurance
  • Obtain BOD authorizations
Construction and Occupancy
  • Complete construction documentation
  • Make contractor selections
  • Conduct construction approvals
  • Manage construction
  • Manage progress
  • Lead commissioning
  • Support occupancy
  • Address deficiencies and warranties

Please confirm your ability to conduct the above activities in your submission.



The vendor will be expected to meet monthly or as needed with the Executive Director of IRSA, or another point of contact as identified by the Executive Director. The vendor will be expected to meet on an as requested basis with the Board of Directors of IRSA. Meetings may take place by telephone, in person, or electronically, as conditions warrant.


The vendor will co-ordinate with all resources in performing the pre-development and development work, on behalf of and in collaboration with IRSA.

Only the IRSA Board of Directors or Executive Director will make executive project decisions.


Please include projected project fees with your submission.


The successful vendor will have:

  • Experience working in Atlantic Canada’s construction industry
  • Experience in housing developments and multi-use buildings
  • Familiarity with Community Economic Development principles and practices
  • Strong communication skills


Please submit your application to by 12 February 2025.

Please include in your application:

  • An outline of services and fees for pre-development and development stages
  • A complete list of proposed project activities for the pre-development and development stages
  • Details about communication, decision-making, and any other relevant conditions of work

Questions related to this request for proposals can be submitted via email to by 10 February 2025.

IRSA will treat all submissions as confidential. The lowest cost proposal will not necessarily be accepted. IRSA reserves the right to select any, or none, of the submitted proposals.

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