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Summerside Info Session with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)

Sunday, October 29, 2023 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM


The Diverse and Inclusive Pre-Cadet Experience (DICE) is a new RCMP recruitment and retention initiative focused on removing systemic barriers that impact racialized and underrepresented persons who aspire to join the RCMP.

Information Session: Brought to you by IRSA & RCMP PEI.


The Diverse and Inclusive Pre-Cadet Experience (DICE) is a new RCMP recruitment and retention initiative focused on removing

systemic barriers that impact racialized and underrepresented persons who aspire to join the RCMP.


  • Newcomers to Canada (that is new Canadian citizens or permanent residents)
  • Persons from diverse ethnic and cultural groups
  • Members from a visible minority and persons from racialized communities

The program is a three-week training session hosted at the RCMP Academy, Depot Division, in Regina, Saskatchewan.

As a Diverse and Inclusive Pre-Cadet Experience candidate, you'll learn:

  • how to work as part of a policing team
  • an introduction to the Criminal Code and RCMP policy
  • physical fitness and drill
  • skills to help prepare you to apply to be a police officer

Once candidates have completed the program there is ongoing support and guidance as they go through the RCMP's police

officer application process.


Register here for the In-Person Session in Summerside:

Summerside Session


For more information please contact: