SCAM ALERT—It has come to our attention that scammers are using IRSA's identity to scam potential immigrants overseas. More information


Canadian Language Benchmarks Placement Test

English language evaluation

The Canadian Language Benchmarks Placement Test (CLBPT) is the first step for new permanent residents looking to register for language training in the province of Prince Edward Island. Candidates undergo an online evaluation in four categories: reading, writing, listening and speaking. After IRSA receives the evaluation results, clients are referred to Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada at Holland College.

To be eligible for free CLBPT testing in English through Immigrant & Refugee Services Association PEI, candidates must:

  • Hold permanent resident status in Canada
  • Be a recent immigrant currently residing in Prince Edward Island
  • Be a registered IRSA client

Registration for the language evaluation test is completed during the intake process at IRSA for permanent residents. Other clients can contact their settlement worker for assistance after receiving their permanent resident status.

The first CLBPT is free for all permanent residents.

French language evaluation

Francophone immigrants can register with La Coopérative d'intégration francophone de l'Île-du-Prince-Édouard, the PEI Francophone settlement agency, to undergo a French language assessment.

Updated: 2025-03-25