SCAM ALERT—It has come to our attention that scammers are using IRSA's identity to scam potential immigrants overseas. More information


About Immigrant & Refugee Services Association PEI


Immigrant & Refugee Services Association PEI (IRSA, the Association) was incorporated as a non-profit charitable organization in 1993 under the name PEI Association for Newcomers to Canada (PEIANC). In 2021, we changed the organization's name to better reflect who our clients are and what we do.

IRSA's mandate is to provide short-term settlement services and deliver long-term inclusion and community participation programs for new immigrants settling in the province of Prince Edward Island.

To help us better understand and meet the needs of our clients, new immigrants are represented on the Association's volunteer Board of Directors and staff. We also engage newcomers as contractors for various services, including interpretation and translation.

Work and Activities


Our settlement programs help newcomers immediately after they arrive in PEI and later on as needed. Settlement workers:

  • Assist with applying for and obtaining essential Canadian documents and registering for provincial and federal government programs and services
  • Assist immigrants with orientation, translation, interpretation, and referral to other service providers
  • Provide newly arrived refugees with guidance and support as they adjust to life in Canada and PEI
  • Offer information sessions on a wide variety of topics to all newcomers
  • Provide counselling support services to those who need them

Employment Services

Employment specialists at IRSA help job-seeking newcomers:

  • Assess their strengths and skills
  • Identify and overcome employment barriers
  • Plan careers and access education and skill-development opportunities
  • Compose resumes and cover letters, and fill out application forms
  • Develop job search plans
  • Improve interview skills
  • Understand Canadian workplace culture

The Employment Services at IRSA include resources and support for employers.

Youth Settlement Services

The Youth Settlement Services team works with school-aged immigrant children and their families. The Youth Settlement team:

  • Assists newcomer families with the enrollment of children in school or kindergarten
  • Helps students become successful within the PEI school system
  • Connects students with recreational programs
  • Organizes in-house programs and activities for newcomer children


  • We refer new immigrants to language testing required for enrollment in an appropriate English language training program.
  • We train interpreters and translators and engage them to provide interpretation and translation services to all newcomers for basic settlement needs.

Community Engagement

While all our departments collaborate with other community organizations, the Community Engagement programs are specifically designed to connect newcomers with the local community.

Community Connections Program matches local volunteers with newcomers to help them achieve full inclusion into Canadian life. It manages two sub-programs:

The goal of the Cultural Inclusion Training is to ease the cultural transition for newcomers by fostering a welcoming and understanding community. We provide public education on a variety of topics, including:

  • Recognizing and eliminating prejudice and discrimination
  • Cultural sensitivity and competency
  • Cultural diversity

Parallel to the regular Community Engagement programming, we also organize various social groups and activities that connect new immigrants with established Island residents.

Contact Information

Immigrant & Refugee Services Association PEI
49 Water Street
Charlottetown, PE C1A 1A3
Map and directions

Phone: 902-628-6009
Fax: 902-894-4928

Our Vision

A welcoming and inclusive community.

Our Mission

We bring diverse communities together and empower newcomers to build a future in PEI.

Our Values

Accountability | Diversity | Empathy | Integrity | Innovation | Respect | Team Work

IRSA is a Member of:

Atlantic Region Association of Immigrant Serving Agencies
IRSA Annual Report 2021-22