Response to the crisis in Ukraine:
Information for Prince Edward Islanders

Last updated: 2022-04-29


Offer housing/accommodation

At this time, the accommodation is most urgently needed.

Most Ukrainians are arriving under the federal CUAET measures and therefore do not get all the support that refugees arriving in Canada usually do, such as financial assistance for housing. Whether they are staying temporarily or permanently, individuals and families fleeing the crisis in Ukraine and coming to PEI need a place to stay.

If you have space in your home, or own a residential property that is currently not in use that you would like to offer for this purpose, please fill out and submit the crisis response form.

Offer employment

Adults coming to Canada and PEI through the current federal program for Ukrainian nationals will be entitled to work in Canada, and will be looking for employment.

IRSA's employment specialists can connect employers with the job seekers and provide support. If you are in a position to offer employment, please contact IRSA's employment services.

Volunteer with IRSA

You can sign up to volunteer as a Canadian friend through the Canada Connects program, or as an English language tutor through the EAL Tutoring program. To register for these or other IRSA programs involving volunteers, please fill out the volunteer sign-up form.

Monetary donations

IRSA is not collecting monetary donations to help Ukrainian cause in the war. We do, however, operate an emergency fund used to help out refugees and other low-income immigrants settling in PEI when there is a need.

Monetary donations

Government of Canada response

The Government of Canada has announced it will expand settlement support for Ukrainians coming to Canada. Ukrainian nationals can to arrive in Canada via several pathways, including the Canada-Ukraine authorization for emergency travel (CUAET).

Government of Prince Edward Island response

The Government of Prince Edward Island is committed to supporting Ukrainians who may want to relocate here in the coming weeks or months. The provincial government is working with Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) to help the movement of Ukrainians who have to leave their country and who are making their way to Canada, settling here temporarily or permanently. More information

Immigrant & Refugee Services Association PEI (IRSA)

IRSA's primary role is as a settlement agency — our work begins once an individual or family has arrived in the province. We are working with the federal and provincial governments and are ready to offer our support and services as some Ukrainian nationals fleeing the conflict make their way to PEI. Considering the urgency created by this crisis, we welcome any help offered by established Island residents.


Government of Canada

Other resources

Can I make an item donation?

IRSA is not collecting any items for Ukrainians at this time. However, the local Ukrainian community occasionally organizes fundraisers where they might ask for item donations. You can find out about their efforts on social media.

Where can I donate money?

If you wish to donate to help individuals and families arriving in PEI, you can contribute to IRSA's emergency fund used to help out refugees and other low-income immigrants settling in PEI when there is a need.

World Central Kitchen is providing on-site meals to people in Ukraine and neighbouring countries taking refugees.
Donate to World Central Kitchen

To support Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal, you can contribute through Canada-Ukraine Foundation.

Red Cross is taking donations for humanitarian aid in Ukraine and European countries helping refugees.
Donate to Red Cross

If you wish to donate to local Ukrainians collecting money for the resistance efforts and helping people still inside Ukraine, you can find out how to do that through their Facebook page.

Can I sponsor a Ukrainian refugee displaced by the Russian occupation under Canada's Private Refugee Sponsorship Program?

No - the Government of Canada does not currently consider the Ukrainians that will enter Canada as a refugee resettlement humanitarian movement, so private sponsorship will not be available at this time.

Why does the Government of Canada not consider Ukrainians coming to Canada under recently announced permanent or temporary residence programs refugees?

The European Union has a generous support package for displaced Ukrainians within Europe. Technically speaking Ukrainians have a durable solution closer to their country in place and do not need resettlement.

See more FAQs under Information for Ukrainians

محتوى هذه الصفحة مخصصة للأشخاص الذين يتحدثون الإنجليزية أو الفرنسية بطلاقة. إذا كنت بحاجة إلى هذه المعلومات بلغتك ، فيرجى  الاتصال بنا . 

A note to Islanders looking to help Ukrainians

IRSA is expecting more Ukrainian families and individuals to arrive in PEI. We hope to find temporary accommodation with host families for them.

If you or someone you know has available accommodations to offer and needs more information about what to expect, what a host is responsible for, how long the commitment is, and so on, please get in touch with us:

Host a Family

Host a Family

Get Involved - Crisis Response Signup Form
Guide for Newcomers to PEI, Canada
Immigration measures for people affected by the Russian invasion of Ukraine

محتوى هذه الصفحة مخصصة للأشخاص الذين يتحدثون الإنجليزية أو الفرنسية بطلاقة. إذا كنت بحاجة إلى هذه المعلومات بلغتك ، فيرجى  الاتصال بنا .